During this POWERFUL workshop you'll learn:

🚀 The 7 Reasons Why People Actually Buy

(discover this insider copywriting secret and watch your sales explode)

🚀 The Biggest Mistake You’re Probably Making With Your Content (and how to fix it)

🚀 5 Powerful Stories You Need To Start Using If You Want More Engagement & Sales (with simple prompts so you can quickly write them & get them out there )

Instant access!

Want to learn how to fly under the radar and sell without being salesy? Then this is the workshop for you. Stories are powerful. They tap into deep seated emotional & psychological triggers AND this is important as people make buying decisions based on their emotions. They’ll justify purchases with logic. BUT you have to win their hearts first.

“The most powerful person in the world

is the storyteller."

  • - Steve Jobs

I love this quote by Steve Jobs and he's spot on.

Stories are powerful.

People justify purchases with logic. BUT emotions always come first.

They're perfect content too as they fly under the radar and help you sell without coming across as salesy or spammy.

So, if you want to make more sales this year, mastering the art of storytelling is definitely something you should be prioritising.

You see, believe it or not. I’ve been exactly where you are. I was rubbish at social media. And I hated promoting myself.

I remember spending hours trying to write posts in my first business and feeling so disheartened when no one commented.

Or I'd write something and delete it before posting as I worried it sounded naff OR worried what others would think.

I can remember looking at other women online and wondering how they could write posts that just seemed to flow. It looked effortless. Who were these magical unicorns who knew how to write so easily? People loved their posts. Left comments. It looked so easy and I kept wondering what they knew that I didn't?

That was until I :

Worked on my mindset and confidence like my life depended on it & figured out how to write words that sell. And storytelling is hands down the the most powerful type of content you can create.

Once I'd cracked these two things business got a whole lot easier. Clients came to me instead of me chasing them. I'd become a real-life, magical unicorn!!

I’ve made

tens of thousands

of pounds from writing content on social media and I’ve helped my clients do the same.

And I promise you can figure these out too.

It's one of the things I help my 1:1 clients with. But I’m so passionate about passing on these essential business skills to as many women as I can.. that I’ve extracted some of the most powerful material I share with my private clients and created this FREE workshop for you.

Here's some client love...

"Anna’s sales page copy changed everything for my course. The last launch generated 23k in sales.

The offer was so much clearer on the landing page and she really delved into the course content to bring out exactly what I offered in the program to make the best landing page. Thank YOU so much!!”

"Before working with Anna I would sell one class a month, maybe one every six weeks. After implementing what she taught me I woke up to five sales. The next day, three sales. My lowest day has been two sales and the highest has been up to eight to 10 sales a day!

Anna has been an integral part of the success of my business and I 100% recommend working with her. She's incredibly easy to work with, very relatable and gives you the confidence and know-how to show up and successfully make sales online."

"I would say just do it. Just have that call with Anna. She'll have a chat with you, you can go over any concerns you have.... just have her take a look at where you're stuck & what she can actually offer.

And just do it. I have not regretted it at all, it's been the best decision I ever made for my business. In my first launch I was able to convert leads into $18k of sales. I can't wait to see what's in store for this next year"

"For the first time, I really feel like I know exactly who I’m going to work with and how I’m going to help them. I have absolute confidence in my content. I can see the structure of what I want to say and the words flow.

With Anna’s superb help, I am excited and clear about my business. There’s a surety in the steps I’m taking and a fizz in my excitement that transfers into how I’m showing up. It’s making all the difference and Anna is a key part of that."

© Copyright 2022 Anna Fairs